school time!
so... I've been on every class so far, but at the same time I only have one class left and after that I got no more school for the day atleast!
In 15 minutes I got German and I like German so I am going to go on that class! :)
This moring I overslept as usual so I came 30minutes late.. hahah, I'm good at coming late to class, that pretty much the only thing I'm good at.. maybe not the only thing but.. yeah whatever!
And I had Bio and what can I say well.. I hate it! We had to know something about flowers and I say fuck that shit!
after that I had PE and I forgot to bring clothes, so me and Ida went for a walk and then met up with Antonia, went back to school and ate lunch.
Around 12 o'clock she had to got to her school! so I was left alone in like 5minutes and then I met the people in my class! :)
But I have to get going!
Take care / your's truly!
dot dot dot
So why am I feeling this way? how come? I just want to find out, what the fuck's wrong with me. I just can't see what the problem is!
I wasn't in class yesterday, even though I want to go, it's like why should I be there.. I know I get a future and everything but I just don't feel like it so fuck it! that's the way I feel.
Today I've been dancing for 1h 30 minutes, And God I've missed it!
But I was also dead afterwards.. after dancing class I want to Marre as usual, didn't do anything watched tv and stuff like that, at five o'clock I went home took a shower and then I ate noodles, and just chilled infront of the computer.. feels weird it's saturday and I know were it's a party and my friend offerd me beer for free but I just have the strength to go!
But what ever!
Take care / your's truly
so sorry! but here you are!
if you love someone, you have to let them go
The reason I've been checked out here on the blog is because I've been all over the place- I mean emotionally so I haven't got up the nervs to wright something, so now you know that. Okay, let's leave it at that.
Today I got up quite early, I was up by nine, and it feel rather good cause I got school tomorrow strarting High school and I'm not happy about that. It's a new school with new people and I am going to be one of the youngest students in the entire school so we'll see how that goes.. but if you look at it this way I still got my girls with me, but not in the same class :( , but okay let's go back to my day.
As I said '' I woke up early'' and maybe after 2 hours I got up the nervs to go to the store and change some money for my sister. After that I went back home and felt sorry for myself, which you should never I repeat NEVER do it just get worse but whatever... Around one I called Marre but that sleepyhead ( do not know how it's spelled) was still sleeping so I got out and just cleard my head, and then again at two thirty I called her and guess what?.. she was still a sleep so I told her to wake up because I was going to her place, and I did. I was prepared to wake her up until I got a text saying that she was wide awake so that was no problem.
When I arrived to her place she was trying to figur out what she should wear till tomorrow so of course, me loving fashon I gave her a hand so after we were done we went down town, she bought jeans-legging, and two jackets.
And yeah, we also met Alice,Michaela and Joanna.
Me, Alice and MIchaela are going to meet at school tomorrow 9.45.
That was my day how was yours?
/ your's truly
sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
How is everybody doing today?
I'm just fine thanx for asking... you can always pretend that somebody is asking right?
hahaha I know I'm weird sometimes, but who cares?
Today I'll probably meet Antonia to get my drink, cuz it's a festival this evening so I'm rather excited about that cuz trainspotters are going to play, so let hope for good weather.
After that I met Antonia I think I'm going to marre's place cuz I'm going with her, let's hope that she is going to drink but we'll see about that! but you can always hope right? :)
So now I'm going to take a shower and then I have to pick an outfit for the day and all that, and I think I'm putting on some make-up, it's been awhile, so why not get all dressed up and all that, but we'll see :)
But I got to get going.
Have a lovley day.
/your's truly
that's my day! :)
First of all I wanna say sorry for a bad upgrade, I'm gonna promise to try to upgrade alittle bit more!
But on the oather hand I haven't been up for much either so that's one of the few reasons I've been off here on the blog.
Today I met Antonia at her place we didn't do that much just chilled with music and then we went down town and she went to Marcus and I met up with Marre and Lisa.
We didn't do that much just looked at clothings, shoes and stuff like that.
After we were done looking at clothes we went to McDonalds bought ice cream and just chilled there for awhile!
And after like an hour Marre had to go so I followed her a bit and then went back, to look at underwear and I found a pink bra for 100 kr, I think it lookes really good.
And then I went to Bianco ( shoe store) and I saw a pair of shoes that was... no words can explain but as usual something had to be a problem, I coulden't walk in them cuz it was like.. high heel, and I can walk in that but the heel on this shoe is like 5-10 cm so, fuck it!
yaya whatever, after that I met Antonia again so she bought a soda and then we went to ''Kajen'' and chilled.
After that I got a text from marre that said '' I'm home'' so I called her and went to her place. And that pretty much it!
/ Love Semhar!
I think it's easier
And the attention you get when you walk in to a room, it's something you can't describe.
Even though most of my friends thinks that I should forget 'bout it but it's harder than you think, when you have fallen in love with them, but I just have to find the bighter side because I know it's there.
But in strange way I don't wanna find the brighter side, 'cause I had such an amazing time when I was there all the memories we share actually means something to me.
But okay, let's stop beeing such a cry baby!
I haven't been up to anything different I just been out with my friends chillin' and that it's, 'case it's really hot over here like 25+ so it's been good.
So what are you up to?
Haben, it's for you guys!
But otherwise I'm good how are you guys over there?
And I hope that I'm comming next year have to talk with my mom and all that but we'll see right?
So if I'm comming, hassen gotta be there haha! that is one of reason I'm comming!
And now I want to take the bus to Haben's place and just chill and talk about everything! I really miss you girl!
I can't wait for the DVD of your birthday party, so I get to see everyone.
I am going to call you soon Haben okay?
So that's it!
Love Semhar
check it out haben hahaha!
Hej alla umebor!
Kom hem igår och det kändes förjävligt men ändå underbart att vara tillbaka till folket och affärerna! ahahah!
Eritrea var inte som jag förväntade det att vara, kan jag luungt säga!
Och just nu är jag förjävligt taggad på att träffa ANTONIA OCH ELLEN, dom är förjävligt saknade kan jag säga!
Men påsamma gång så saknar jag folket i eritrea specielt Haben,Hassen,meda! etc.
Vaknade för ett tag sen, känns konstligt att vara tillbaka till lägenheten när man har bott i en villa! men det är bara att vänja sig!
Och en heeelt annan grej JAG KOM IN PÅ IB!!!!! helt insane!!!! jag veet!
jag hade aldrig trott det, nu ska jag kolla vilka som kom in på vad , pappa sparade tidningen så nu är det bara att kolla! ahhaha!
men jaja!
Idag ska jag vara med ellen och antonia och säkert annat folk också haha!
sen nydala ikväll antar jag :)
Men nu ska jag äta frukost!
pussar och kramar! /semhar