in the classroom..
I can’t do nothing about it, it all just seem so wrong.
It’s like.. sure I’m here.. me in person is sitting on this chair
But my mind is way over there, it’s not even close by.
The way I just drift away from this room, it’s just messed up.
Keep thinking about the way you used to look at me, you had that special something.
I think that’s what I’m thinking about.. but isn’t weird that I don’t have any control of my own mind, it’s like my brain has a life of it’s own.
I woulden’t say that I’m struggeling to get away from the thoughts I’m have, but I’m not all happy about them either..
So right now I'm in class, I've been on every class so far! and I'm danm proud of it aswell...
Today I'm gonna meet Antonia as usual.
And then I don't know what you are going to do but we'll probably talk about everything that's happend in these 24hours.
But I got to get going!
Take care / your's truly