this is who I am.. love it or hate it
Hi everyone!
How has your day been so far?
My day has been awesommmee!! I've been downtown to change size on my new sweater and jumpers (?) and then I went to McDonalds with Antonia and Alexanda aka. Mjau after that we just chilled until Antonia had to go to school so I'm with mjau right now and we not doin' a shit just chillin' @ Antonia's place as usual ahhah!
As you already know I got singing class this afternoon and I'm rather happy about that.. as you might not know my future goal is to be a preformer so that's good.. I mean to go to a singing class and it's a private sesson(?) too. Today I'll probably just chill with Mjau, and that's always awesome, cuz I haven't been with her for a while so it's time to catch up with everything.. from school to boys and everything like that.
Emhh... what else?..
.. Does anybody know how I can be sick of school already!??! cuz I don't understand, sure it's boring and stuff like that but it's still my future, but why do I have to know math when I am going to be a preformer.. or that's what I what to be?
That question is still un answered(?)
But whatever.. here is me singing
Take care / your's truly
How has your day been so far?
My day has been awesommmee!! I've been downtown to change size on my new sweater and jumpers (?) and then I went to McDonalds with Antonia and Alexanda aka. Mjau after that we just chilled until Antonia had to go to school so I'm with mjau right now and we not doin' a shit just chillin' @ Antonia's place as usual ahhah!
As you already know I got singing class this afternoon and I'm rather happy about that.. as you might not know my future goal is to be a preformer so that's good.. I mean to go to a singing class and it's a private sesson(?) too. Today I'll probably just chill with Mjau, and that's always awesome, cuz I haven't been with her for a while so it's time to catch up with everything.. from school to boys and everything like that.
Emhh... what else?..
.. Does anybody know how I can be sick of school already!??! cuz I don't understand, sure it's boring and stuff like that but it's still my future, but why do I have to know math when I am going to be a preformer.. or that's what I what to be?
That question is still un answered(?)
But whatever.. here is me singing
Take care / your's truly
Postat av: Leia
Det är bra, hur är det själv? =)
Postat av: ♥ Jessica - Fotar och designar bloggar ♥
Kikar in hos dig och säger HEJ..allt brA?
Postat av: Jeniie
Hej :D
Nu letar jag efter deltagare till veckansblogg.
Vill du va med?
Skriv bara ett inlägg till inlägget veckans blog då
hoppas du vill :D
Du har en Jättefin blogg :D
Postat av: Weronika
Mår du bättre nu? :)
Postat av: Anonym
Allt är bara bra med mig. Vad gör du för roligt då?