that's what's up
Who ever said that love was going to be easy?
if anyone have ever said that then I'm gonna tell you that it's a big lie!
Love isn't only love, to love someone you have to trust them... or atleast in the beginnging.
You know when you fall in love with someone, that part might be easy, or that part is easy, cause it always happen when you least expect it too.
But what happens if the one you love live on a different continent? how will you make it?
And that guy don't care for you at all? or that's how you feel, when everything you want is to be with him, you call him every day, even though you know you shoulden't but you just can't help it.. all you want is to hear his voice.
I know you hate it
förlååt för en sån dålgt uppdatering men jag har inte haft tid.
Igår så hade jag skola.. även fast jag bara var på en lektion eller lektion och lektion, hade ett referat prov, och det gick faktiskt ganska så bra, men när mna säger att det går bra så går det oftas åt söder.
Efter provet så var jag med marre och vi gjorde inte så mycket eller vi for till haga, var lite social med lärarna, men jag vart dock på ett dåligt humör för att fredrik (syon?) för att han började tjata på att jag skulle skärpa mig i skolan, även fast jag vet att jag borde göra det så behöver som inte han vara på mig om det, men jag har bestämt mig att jag verkligen ska skärpa mig för om jag gör det så ska jag kanske fara till london på sprtlovet... sen så kanske jag ska till eritrea i sommar men det är bara o jag sköter mig i skolan som jag kommr att göra eftersom nu har jag en andledning hahah, jag vet det låter dummt, men vafam det är så jag ser på det.
Idag så ska jag vara med antonia, mjau och joanna tror jag, me jag är dock inte säker!
Hade biologi prov, och ja... jag kunde 5 grejer och man skulle kunna 15! så ja, jag ligger risit till kan jag säga!
sen efter det så hade jag svenska diagnos som jag inte hade gjort, det var läsförståelse, hoppas på att det gick bra!
Så just nu sitter jag ute och ska tända en cigg..!
Take care! / your's truly
hoppas dagen flyger förbi idag!
Dagen började segt som vanligt, men det borde man ju som ändå vara vad vid ellerhur?
Pappa väckte mig 20 över sju, och så frågar han sen om jag vill a skjuss till skolan, man tackar ju som inte nej till det.. men jag vart ändå sur eftersom om han ändå hade tänkt att skjussa mig till skolan så kunde jag väll ändå ha vaknat vid tio i åtta men nejnej så dum som min pappa är så tänker han inte på det.. sen så kom jag på att jag hade sovmorgon till tio i tio, men såklart så ska jag ha extra hjälp i matte 20 över ÅTTA! så jag for till skolan, men sen så beslöt jag mig att skita i det, så då blev de att jag hamnade hos antonia som vanligt, chilla där ca 1 timme sen så var det bara att rulla vidare till handlarn och lägga in pengar på mobilen.. känns inte bra att jag har spenderat 400spänn på en månad kan jag tillägga..eller jag och jag, mamma och pappa, men ändå lixom! kunde köpt en massa andra saker, men så dum som jag är så ringer jag till eritrea varje dag.. och där så förvinner pengarna kan jag säga, men iaf efter det så var det samhälle som gällde, gjorde inte så mycket hittade fakta på internet, sen så efter en halvtimme så blev det så att jag började spela crazy taxi, det är typ beroende framkallade eller något i den stilen.
Så nu har jag luch eller jag hade lunch rast , har typ börjat nu.. har idrott men jag kan ändå inte vara med, eftersom jag har ett jävla knäproblem, och vi har kondition(?) så det blir att skita i det, sen så har vi klassfoto.. så fort antonia kommer så blir det att sminka sig osv.
menmen... idag så har jag ingentint planerat, eller jag antar att jag ska vara med antonia som vanligt, så vi får se vad vi hittar på..
Take care/ your's truly
svenskt inlägg denna gång!
jaja ,iaf.
Idag har det varit skola.. som jag inte tar seriöst kan jag ju tillägga, det började med att jag missar bussen på morgonen och redan då börjar bli lite smått irriterad, och ni vet hur det är.. en dålig morron är inte en bra start på dagen, jaja skitsamma.. så när jag har väntat på bussen i typ 10-15 min men det kändes dock som en evighet, men bussen kom ju iaf.
Hoppade av vid antonia och går till skolan, tänder en cigg och var nära på att ringa till eritrea men kom redan då på att dom kanske sover, även fast dom ligger 1 timme framför oss.
När jag väl kom till skolan så kommer jag på att vi har svenska och våran svenska lärare är heelt jävla fuckad, och jag som inte var på humör var det sissta jag behövde, vi hade tydligen en läxa som jag inte visste om, och när jag väl sa att jag inte hade varit där när vi eller dom fick läxan så säger hon bah: det kan bero på att du inte har varit här! och tonläget gillade jag inte kan jag säga!
Efter svenskan hade vi någon lektion.. tror vi hade historia, och fyfan vad jag hatar våran historia lärare.. känner att jag hatar alla lärare men det gör jag faktiskt inte jaja.. så ska vi ha en jävla uppsats och tror ni att jag visste om det elller????!?! NEJ, såklart så ska jag inte veta om det! så jag skriver inte ens ett A4, sen så lämnar jag in de. så har jag 30min rast också, vad kan jag säga om det då? jo DET BEHÖVDES. så jag gick ut på en cigg med roland.
efter vi har varit ute så nördar vi oss, det betyder att båda satte sig vid datorn och skrev med varann på apb.
Efter rasten så hade vi fysik, men dock så stack jag efter 10min eftersom antonia väntade på mig utan för.
Så vi stack till henne, jag ringde till eritrea och fick tag på hassen.
Efter det så åt vi, sen så gjorde vi inte, bara flummade oss som vanligt!
Take care / your's truly
My day couldn't be any better!
okay. here we go again!
SO SORRY for bad upgrade!
so what have I been up to?... nothin' really, well I've been to school and I'm getting better I've been on every class today, even math! and I'm damn proud of myself and I really hope that I get my money this month cuz if you have more than 20% absent(?) then you don't get money and I have 19,7% so let's cross our fingers and hope for the best!
Today I've been at school as you know,@ lunch i went to antonia's place.. because I got worried, she didn't pick up the phone and she didn't text me back as she always do, so went I got there I see that the door was closed and when I walk in she was sleeping, so I got worried for nothing.
So I chilled there for like 30minutes, after that I went back to school and had chemistry, but I didn't listen to a word that my teacher said, are you chocked?... I don't think you are.
When my class ended I went back to Antonia's place and she was with mjau and joanna we didn't do anything, or I called to eritrea (africa) and talked to T and hassen, my babyy!!!! who I haven't spoken to in like 1½ moths so it was good to get everything cleared up!
I hope that he isn't reading this but after I got off the phone I died.. of happiness, i swear I've never been that happy since I met him the first time!
So after me flippin' out, joanna had to go back to school because as stupid as she is she forgot her bag at school so she went back, and me antonia and mjau went downtown or antonia had to go to the bus station, so she's not here in umeå right now, me and mjau went to her place and just chilled!
And now I'm home!
Me and my sister @ the red sea
Take care/ your's truly
that's my very boring day!
Good afternoon!
As you might know I didn't have school today, so I went to Antonia's place as usual.. do I even have to write that? whatever I arrived at 10.30am and just chilled to music went for a smoke and then ate breakfast after breakfast I didn't do that much.
At lunch I went to meet antonia, we ate lunch @ her school talked for a bit, but then she had to go to school so I went to buy cigaretts.
After I bought cigaretts I went to antonia's school, and I made a phone call to the boys in eritrea talked for like 5 minutes and then I had to say bye because it's quite expensive, so I went inside and just chilled @ antonia's school for like 40-45 minutes.
When she came be took the bus to her place were I'm now.
got to go
Take care/ your's truly
I do not know what to say
Hi everybody!
How's your day been?
Mine has been really boring, but that's only because I didn't skip class today, or I skiped one because we had a test that I didn't know about and I don't wanna fail so I skiped science, went to antonia's place .. or she came to my school and we went to her place, we didn't do anything we ate lunch and just chilled until I had to go back to that place I call hell but others call school, had math and I didn't do anything, was listened(?) to music and I acually started to remember the eritrean guys, and how much fun it was, I'm not gonna lie I LOVED it, no joke. After school I went back to Antonia who's been cleaning her room, and I can honestly tell you that she needed to do that, so it's clean now, let just see how long it's gonna stay clean? maybe until tomorrow moring, or just until tonight, we'll see won't we. I got home at 6.15pm, but I had to go out again because my mom was too lazy to go to the supermarket so I had to do it, but I don't see the harm of doing it so why not?
yaya, enough about that.
Tomorrow I don't have any school and it feels AWESOME!! I think that you can guess were I'm going to be staying tomorrow... Antonia's place what a suprise! :), or maybe it wasn't?
I am going to stop writing now because I'm just talking about nothing so..
.. Have a wonderful evening / your's truly
twice a week!... I'm good!
Take care! / your's truly
this is who I am.. love it or hate it
How has your day been so far?
My day has been awesommmee!! I've been downtown to change size on my new sweater and jumpers (?) and then I went to McDonalds with Antonia and Alexanda aka. Mjau after that we just chilled until Antonia had to go to school so I'm with mjau right now and we not doin' a shit just chillin' @ Antonia's place as usual ahhah!
As you already know I got singing class this afternoon and I'm rather happy about that.. as you might not know my future goal is to be a preformer so that's good.. I mean to go to a singing class and it's a private sesson(?) too. Today I'll probably just chill with Mjau, and that's always awesome, cuz I haven't been with her for a while so it's time to catch up with everything.. from school to boys and everything like that.
Emhh... what else?..
.. Does anybody know how I can be sick of school already!??! cuz I don't understand, sure it's boring and stuff like that but it's still my future, but why do I have to know math when I am going to be a preformer.. or that's what I what to be?
That question is still un answered(?)
But whatever.. here is me singing
Take care / your's truly
as promised, hope you like it
Take care / your's truly
that's the way it is
How are you doing?
I'm just fine.. I'm still sick but it's better.
Yesterday I went to school but I only stayed for an hour cause I was feeling like shit, I went to antonia's place just chilled there until antonia got home, we talked for awhile and then she had to go and babysit and I went back to school had one class left so.. after that I went home, and lied (?) in my bed for the rest of the evening/night.
Today I woke up at eight maybe, took a shower and after that I took the bus to antonia were I am now.
Antonia is on her way here now, she doesn't have anymore classes for the day, so we'll see what we are going to do. what else? ... do you think that I should do more video blogs?
Let me know what you think.
Take care! and don't get sick / your's truly
I know it's bad, but deal with it
This is what you get right now!
Take care / Your's truly
don't know
Good afternoon!
I'm back here.. sitting infront of the freaking computer.. I wonder how the world would look without the computers it would probably be much better. But what would you do if it was raining, and how much money would you spend to buy CD's and DVD's.
When you got a computer you get all that for free, but illegal(y) ? yeahyeah whatever right?
As I said before I'm just gonna be home today, I have to relax a bit!
Update later
Take Care! / your's truly
it's something
Good Morning!
I woke up at nine thirty today, and I haven't done anything.. I'm still in my bed
I can't write that much right now cause I'm watching So you think you can dance it's the finally as well so have to watch it. I don't have any plans for today I'm thinking of just staying home!
And my school computer is injured or should I say it got some kind of a virus.. so I have to talk with the computer guy at school but that will be okay.. or I hope it will!
I have to go now, I will update later today!
Take care! / your's truly
do not drink so much today! kisses
I'm with Antonia and Amanda right now, we're just chillin' at Amanda's place
They are putting on make up or Antonia is.. And I do not know what Amanda is doing!
there is a party but I'm not gonna go.. I'm going home, dowload a movie and bake something maybe. I haven't been home on a friday seens like 2-3weeks ago so it will be good just to chill infront of the computer so I'll probably write something later!
Take care!! / your's truly!
Friday is finally here!!
good afternoon!
I didn't go to science I went downtown with Antonia instead.. I told you that she was going to come!
anyways we went to the town and met up with alexadra aka mjau.
We didn't do that much look at some clothes and computer stuff. After that we went up to Mjau and just chilled for a while.. after that me and Antonia went back down town.. or back? ..mjau lives downtown so..
We went to ''Apberget'' or.. we went to meet johan first and then we went to Apberget met some friends and just sat there for a half an hour maybe(?) don't know. And then we met amanda we went to some stores, took a smoke and then me and Antonia went east downtown and met Jakke.
After that Antonia had to go to Marcus and I went to marre and that's were I am right now! There is no talking, Marre and Oscar are playing tetris and I am blogging as you can see. As I said I don't have anything planed right now but we'll see were I'm gonna be or who I'm going to be with!
Got to go!
Take care! and have a WONDERFUL friday evening or night! / your's truly
math time... or should I say time to chill?
Right now I'm having math but I don't have any books cause all of my school stuff is in my friends locker and she's not even here!
So I'm just here chillin' I guess.. don't know why though.
After this I think I got lunch, hope it's good food today, cause I'm starving haven't eaten anything today so let's pray that it's good food! cross your fingers.
Antonia may come by, as always but I like that she's here more, she's always here hahah, I guess that she likes it better here, I can't blame her, I'm here helloo! hahah no, just kidding.. or am I?
After lunch I got science so we'll see if I'll go, but I probably will cause I have to go on evey class, I don't want to be kicked out of the IB so I got to shape up! or should I go with the flow maybe? I don't know yet!
Yesterday I was with marre for an hour maybe, after that I went to meet up with Antonia.. we stared to talk about old times, and we just had to take a picture, for old timers sake hahha! and it turnd out pretty good! :)
Emh.. what else?
Oh yeeah! it's FRIDAY today aka. no more school for two days! but I don't have anything planed so we'll see what comes up.. but to be honest I never plan ahead cause I never fallow my plans so why plan things if you don't follow them?
Have to get going take care / your's truly
I wish I could love.. like I did before I met you
Hi everybody!
Has your day been good so far?
My day has been good so far atleast! As I wrote before my mind is fucked up and no I'm not kidding.
Everything is just replaying in my head, all the memories and shit like that.. but I can't do nothing about it so..
Whatever in 50 minutes I'm gonna meet Marre, she's in class right now so I can't do nothing but to wait and I'm really bad at it, I guess I just have to learn to be good at it.. if you can be? I don't know what we are going to do, maybe go downtown to look at some stuff, don't know yet :P
So I'm alone right now and NO I'm not a loner hahah! but on other hand, maybe I am? how do you know if you are a loner? I want to find that out I guess that I have to do my research about that.
What else..? * 1 minute later* I can't come up with anything!
So I guess I'll write more at marre's place or when I'm home!
Take care/ your's truly
in the classroom..
I can’t do nothing about it, it all just seem so wrong.
It’s like.. sure I’m here.. me in person is sitting on this chair
But my mind is way over there, it’s not even close by.
The way I just drift away from this room, it’s just messed up.
Keep thinking about the way you used to look at me, you had that special something.
I think that’s what I’m thinking about.. but isn’t weird that I don’t have any control of my own mind, it’s like my brain has a life of it’s own.
I woulden’t say that I’m struggeling to get away from the thoughts I’m have, but I’m not all happy about them either..
So right now I'm in class, I've been on every class so far! and I'm danm proud of it aswell...
Today I'm gonna meet Antonia as usual.
And then I don't know what you are going to do but we'll probably talk about everything that's happend in these 24hours.
But I got to get going!
Take care / your's truly
that's my great day!
I ain't doin' a shit! hahahah, just chillin' I guess.
Today it's been a long day, let me tell you that.
woke up 7.30am but I started school at 9.55 so I didn't do that much I was listening to music.
I just have to say that Ron pope is like the best right now! So after I woke up, like after I was wide awake I called Antonia, and I decided to take the bus to east downtown to meet her, and guess what!... it was RAINING.. yes you heard me! it was raining so I ran to the busstation, I got to wait 5minutes maybe and then the bus came.
When I arrive to east downtown Antonia wasn't there so I had to wait for her to call me and when she did I was starting school in like half an hour so we talked and talked and the time just flew pass, when I was cheking the time I was already late, so we decided to skip school the entire day!
So it became a day at the town instead, but I have to go to every classes tomorrow!
it's sucks, but I heard that you get kicked out of the IB if you don't take school seriously, so I have to start to focus more!
But I have to get going.
Take care / your's truly