that's my very boring day!

Good afternoon!

As you might know I didn't have school today, so I went to Antonia's place as usual.. do I even have to write that? whatever I arrived at 10.30am and just chilled to music went for a smoke and then ate breakfast after breakfast I didn't do that much.
At lunch I went to meet antonia, we ate lunch @ her school talked for a bit, but then she had to go to school so I went to buy cigaretts.
After I bought cigaretts I went to antonia's school, and I made a phone call to the boys in eritrea talked for like 5 minutes and then I had to say bye because it's quite expensive, so I went inside and just chilled @ antonia's school for like 40-45 minutes.
When she came be took the bus to her place were I'm now.

got to go
Take care/ your's truly


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